◆ Why Desk/Telephone Expediting:
● Desk / telephone expediting is the critical link between supplier and performance and the owner’s requirements.
● Desk / telephone expediting provides a valuable and quick tool to monitor the Raw material arrival/Engineering/Procurement
/Fabrication progress/Inspection and test/Shipment status etc of orders with a manufacturer.
● Contact is established at specific milestones in the order fabrication process and a brief summary of the current status
obtained during the desk/telephone expediting.
● An experienced expediter can very quickly assess whether the order is progressing according to plan or whether other
measures are required to verify and possibly improve the order progress.
● Desk / telephone expediting is also a useful way of making the vendor aware that delays on the order will not be accepted by
their client.
◆ JES Desk/Telephone Expediting:
● JES’s expediting services that cover many phases of the production process could produce periodical status reports which
could truly reported the actual status of a manufacturer and from which client could judge if they meet the specific client’s needs.
● JES’s skilled expediters are able to diagnose the issues brought about potential delays and undertake corresponding actions
to ensure that materials and equipment are delivered to the location based on the promised date defined in the purchase order.
● JES’s expediters also obtain or reaffirm delivery promises from suppliers and fully investigate all aspects of the suppliers’
scheduling which are evidences of the practicality of achieving such promises.
◆ Multiple benefits of expediting services by JES:
● Save travel cost.
● Detection of potential delays.
● Limitation of further problems.
● Quick counter measures to avoid further delays.
● Action made to whole projects.
● Ensured the fulfillment of contractual delivery terms (goods and documentation) to the job site completely and timely.